Old post, but I think I solve that same problem, it was driving me crazy. The solution is to CONCATENATE a backend with a frontend, like this:
frontend SSL_PassThrough
mode tcp
bind *:80
bind *:443
tcp-request inspect-delay 5s
tcp-request content accept if { req_ssl_hello_type 1 }
use_backend backend1 if { req_ssl_sni -i aaa.bbb.com }
use_backend backend2 if { req_ssl_sni -i ccc.ddd.com }
use_backend bbackend3 if { req_ssl_sni -i eee.fff.com }
default_backend bk_tcp_to_https
backend bk_tcp_to_https
mode tcp
server haproxy-https check
frontend SSL_Termination
mode http
bind *:8443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/certs/ggg.hhh.com.pem crt /etc/haproxy/certs/iii.kkk.com.pem
use_backend backend4 if { hdr(host) -i ggg.hhh.com }
use_backend backend5 if { hdr(host) -i iii.kkk.com }
#SSL Passthrough Backends (every backend manage their own SSL termiantion)
backend backend1
mode tcp
server server1 check
backend backend2
mode tcp
server server2 check
backend backend3
mode tcp
server server3 check
#SSL Terminated by HAProxy Backends (plain http traffic between HAProxy and these backends)
backend backend4
mode http
server server4 check
http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port]
http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }
backend backend5
mode http
server server5 check
http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port]
http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }
The Trick here is “default_backend bk_tcp_to_https” in frontend1 that concatenates all the requests that are not going to be passthrough, to the “backend bk_tcp_to_https”.
It is basically telling if the request is not for aaa.bbb.com or ccc.ddd.com or eee.fff.com, then send it to the default backend, which is himself: but in other port: 8443, and then, Frontend2 is listening in 8443 to take care of the termination of the SSL.
This is the mixed TCP/HTTP combination to passthrough some SSL and terminate others using one single configuration.