HTTP 503: haproxy is logging destination IP same as frontend IP

Hi folks, need some help troubleshooting a 503 response being returned by haproxy.

Specifically, I am not sure how to interpret what haproxy is logging, we have a custom log format and haproxy is logging that the server IP it tried to connect to is the exact same IP as the frontend IP. This does not seem correct as the backend server has a completely different IP.

Initially, I had believed maybe we messed up the DNS record for the server and mistakenly added the frontend IP but at this point this does not seem to be the case.

"%fi": ""  # frontend IP
"%fp": "443"         # frontend port
"%si": ""  # server IP - why is this the same?
"%sp": "0"           # server port - why 0 instead 9582?
"%bq": "0".          # backend queue 0
"%s": "srvr1"        # server name
"%rc" :"3"           # connection retries

timing shows high Tw but we don’t have “timeout queue” configured and everything else is set to 60s which if I’m understanding the docs correctly should result in using timeout connect of 60s so not sure how it’s even getting to almost 200s.

    maxconn 1000000 # we never get close to this connection limit

    timeout connect 60s
    timeout client 60s
    timeout server 60s
    mode http
    balance roundrobin
    retries 3
    option redispatch

# ... snip ...

backend artifactory:9582
    server-template srvr 1-25 ssl verify none crt /var/certs/identity.pem alpn h2,http/1.1 resolvers systemdns init-addr none maxconn 2000

"Tw":"198004" # This looks suspect to me but not sure what queue it's waiting on

Forgot to mention that the disconnect state is logged as sC--

And perhaps the tw timing includes the three retries?